Fairy tales - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic Fairy tales you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category Fairy tales every day.

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author: Evelynaaa 4 months ago 2 787 6

ČÁST PRVNÍ Svého Pána oddaně poslouchám již téměř deset let a byla jsem mu poslušná ještě dřív, než jsem se vdala. Svatba s mým manželem bylo v té době patrně jediné rozhodnutí, které jsem učinila svobodně. Ve všem ostatním za mě vždy rozhodoval můj Pán. Vdávat jsem se chtěla, i přestože jsem dobře věděla, že by s mým rozhodnutím Pán nikdy nesouhlasil, a tak mi nezbylo, než mu to zamlčet. Jak…

You are Thief and I'm Forsaken

author: holkazr 6 months ago 3 580 9

dedicated to : the One who never-never-never-never-never gives me anything for free and that's why I want Him so desperately (poor poor girl :D) bathroom …


author: holkazr 7 months ago 2 463 5

- UNDER YOUR SPELL - (tribute to Rain aka Raizo Ninja Assasin) Prologue : We are stuntmen, dancers, fight scene choreographers. The director has chosen us to make a choreography of fight scene for famous sci-fi saga, where two antagonistic characters fight each other, dark side and light side... man and woman, girl and boy... yin and yang... We didn't know each other personally until then,…


author: holkazr 7 months ago 3 533 7

Prologue: I had this vivid dream one feverish night, I'm out of surgery and heavily medicated, everything was so real and fascinating scary (and ofc i love it as hell :D). And because I suffer from synesthesia in addition to cravings-sounds-music-images all linked together in one.... !!!! withdrawal !!!! …

- Past tense -

author: holkazr 7 months ago 7 622 6

- PROLOG - As a prologue, let's sigh that unfortunately it's impossible to publish with the "comments off" function, I would love to write my own blogs in a diary form, but the last thing I want is for users to vomit their thought processes underneath... it's like "he got a pub, but he had people coming in" :D ... So unfortunately blogs are forbidden to me and short stories in general have a lot…