Masturbation - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic Masturbation you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category Masturbation every day.

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A date (anglická, vylepšená verzia)

author: Magichands 3 days ago 0 41 0

Hey, darling. I am in a mood for something spicy. You know what? Let´s meet where we first met. In an hour. I will be dressed in a white shirt and deep blue trousers. Bringing you a flower. And a bag with some presents. You... wear those above knees stockings. Some lovely shoes. And a light cloak. And below.... what you like most. Nothing. What is in that bag you ask? That is for a little…

Snapchat Games

author: Daddy_7d 3 months ago 0 338 0

I just woke up and I grab my phone. I saw that someone had found my snapchat on some adult site and had added me. I add her back and just wrote to her: Hi baby. What are you up to? Without expecting that she would reply. After some seconds she was video calling me. Crazy. I answered immediately and I see a beautiful woman laying on her bed and showing me her big boobs. My cock was already hard…